
Beauty isn’t perfection

I will always have that inside thigh, i will always have huge calves, I’ll always store most of my fat on the top back of my legs, Ill probably always be covering up some big-bad rugby bruises with a tan, I’ll always be head-to-toe with endless amounts of ugly scars -from my motorbike crashes/acl reconstructions etc,, I will always have this wonky finger from rugby, I will always have a off-centre nose from my boxing fight, Ill probably always have badly-bitten fingernails, I’ll probably always battle against PCOS and how it affects my body and I’ll most certainly always be a short-ass!


But this is me, I am who I am, I’m humbly confident in who I am and I love who I am.


To all the women who hate their bodies, let’s be thankful and let us see the beauty that we hold.


To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t have to be accepted by others.


You need to accept yourself.  Be your own person, Be you, be happy.

It is only when we love who we are that we can truly love other people.

#createduniquely #blessed #beauty #confidence #happiness #lovegod #loveothers #loveyourself