
I met Rhian when I was 7 weeks postpartum, unsure of where and how to start getting back into working out. My first session with her was calm as she explained how I would need to begin my new fitness journey.

To say that I was at first disappointed was an understatement. Where was the jumping, the burpees and all the fun stuff I was used to and was excited to get back to? But, Rhian explained that with slow and constant practice, I would get back to normal, and if not, even better. She shared her own experiences with her kids to reassure me that post pregnancy was not the end of my fitness journey.

Throughout my time with Rhian, we slowly and surely increased the intensity of the workouts and on my last session I was back to running and using weights like I would pre pregnancy.

I am now 4 months postpartum and I feel amazing! I am not fully at 100% but the main advantage of training with Rhian is learning to forgive my body and to appreciate the extraordinary miracle it just performed. 

Thank you Rhian 😊!!

Amani Hawamdeh

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